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Penn State Derivative Association

PSDA is a club that employs a 6-week long education to its members in order for them to obtain knowledge about financial markets. Eventually, PSDA members will strive to become lead analysts inside of Penn State Asset Management Group.

Members of PSDA can go to general body meetings every Monday to learn more about financial markets. These educations will include teachings about futures, options, credit default swaps, etc. There will also be breakout sessions on Sundays to get more specific information about various sectors in the C/D market like oil, agriculture, and energy.

The end goal of our executives is to make everyone in PSDA better whether it be in financial markets or just an overall better worker and make them employable.


Online Resources from Wall Street Oasis

Wall Street Oasis is the largest online community focused on careers in finance with over 900,000 members.  They have an extensive set of free corporate finance resources on various topics to help you break into your dream finance career and get promoted once you’re there.  This includes articles, templates and guides on how to learn Excel, financial modeling, interview questions as well as career advice.

Excel Resources:

Financial Modelling:



General Body Meetings Every Monday at 6:00 in 102 Thomas Building

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